I’m excited to announce that Dreamland writer Aaron Vanek and I will be attending the HP Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, Oregon on October 4-6 (next weekend)!! We will be running two Dreamland games at Battlegrounds Gaming Cafe (3738 NE Sandy Point Blvd), as well as doing a panel discussion…
Dreamland Facebook Group: What is Dreamland?
Playtests & demos of Dreamland RPG continue almost every week on the Dreamland Discord! Meanwhile, if you use Facebook, please consider joining the Dreamland Facebook Group! The short format of Facebook posts has made it extra convenient to write lots of posts on Dreamland-esque subjects: not only the game, but…
Things I Like About Dreamland, Part 2
This concludes Aaron Vanek’s essay about Dreamland from the previous post! Thanks Aaron! 6. Diagonal Narrative The more Words a PC uses in a challenge, the greater the chance that they will break one of the Five Pillars of Dreamland. I describe it as the PCs are lucid dreamers who…
Things I Like About Dreamland, Part 1
This essay was written by Aaron Vanek, one of the contributing authors and major playtesters of Dreamland: Fairytale Portal Fantasy Beyond the Wall of Sleep. We’re honored & flattered to post it here in two parts. By Aaron Vanek Artist Jason Bradley Thompson, whose orbit transited mine when I hired…
Join the Dreamland Facebook Group
“Come with me, ladies and gentlemen who are in any wise weary of London: come with me: and those that tire at all of the world we know: for we have new worlds here.” —Lord Dunsany, The Book of Wonder Things are moving unexpectedly fast in the eternal world of…
Dreamland in 2025 from Exalted Funeral!
Dreamland QuickStart Download: https://www.exaltedfuneral.com/products/dreamland-quickstart Dreamland Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/193573340339 Dreamland Discord Group: https://discord.com/invite/Q5jVAQ6qwm I’m excited to announce what I’ve been working on secretly for the last several months… Dreamland: Fairytale Portal Fantasy Beyond the Wall of Sleep has a publisher! The tabletop RPG of Wonder, Mystery, Loathing, Passion and Faraway will…
Discord Updates & Homebrews
In the months since my last post, a lot has been going on in Dreamland! There’s much I can’t announce yet, but stuff I *can* talk about includes…. On the Dreamland Discord server, we’ve been running games two or three times a month on Thursday evenings Pacific time (with the…
Dreamland 2024 Plans
Happy New Year! A lot has been going on. I’m hoping that 2024 will be a big year for Dreamland, and I have lots of plans to draw artwork for the game and do many other things. In the meantime, please check out the Playtests & Signups page for the…
Dreamland PDF Update
Revisions and playtests have been going on steadily on the Dreamland Discord and at conventions. After 7 months of feedback, I’m happy to announce updated versions of the Dreamland Quickstart PDF and the sample adventure “The Paradise of the Unchanging”! Please read, download, comment, share & play! Dreamland Quickstart PDF…
Dreamland at GenCon Online
I’ve been slow to post, but at lot has been going on with Dreamland. (Please check out the Dreamland Discord for the most updated information and conversations.) For one thing, with the help of our wonderful volunteer Dream Masters, we’ve been running lots of games online and at conventions! I…