This is the page where we post about upcoming convention games and other opportunities to run playtests of Dreamland. Stay up to date by signing up to our mailing list.

If you are a Dream Master, this is where you can find official online assets you can use to run your very own one-shot or campaign of Dreamland. Please join the conversation on our Dreamland Discord channel! I would love to answer any questions you have and hear firsthand about any playtests you have run.

If you are interested in playing, we do Dreamland playtests 2-3 times a month on Thursdays on the Dreamland Discord server, usually starting at 8PM PST. Join the Discord here!

We also have a Facebook group where we share updates, as well as Dreamlands and “dream fantasy”-related art, from Lord Dunsany and Winsor McCay to Kij Johnson and Mercer Mayer. Join the Facebook here!


BigBadCon – Burlingame, CA – Oct 25-27

For those in the San Francisco area, we’ll be running two games at BigBadCon near the San Francisco airport in Burlingame, CA! Here’s the info:

Friday, October 25, 2PM PST: The Fields Where Poppies Bloom

Sunday, October 27, 2PM PST: Idle Days on the Yann

KublaCon Fall – Santa Clara, CA – Nov 9-10

A little later in the Fall, we’ll also be running two games at KublaCon Fall in Santa Clara!! Here are the details:

Saturday, November 9, 1PM PST: Children of the Sea

Sunday, November 10, 10AM PST: The Jewel of the Spider God

Click on the links for descriptions (and maps, in the case of BigBadCon!) and to sign up for the games. More info will be posted on the Dreamland Discord and Facebook as the time approaches.

Stay tuned for updates for more games at Fall 2024 conventions. In the past we have run Dreamland demos at conventions like GenCon, Strategicon, GameholeCon, NecronomiCon, Convocation, KublaCon, Gamex, GoPlayNW and YSDC Game Day.


Dreamland will be published in 2025 by Exalted Funeral! You can get the QuickStart version of the Dreamland rules for free from the Exalted Funeral website. This version supersedes all previous QuickStarts and includes:

  • QuickStart rules (52 pages)
  • “The Paradise of the Unchanging” (introductory adventure) (32 pages)
  • Form-fillable Character Sheet
  • Print-and-play Dreamland Word, Role, Impairment and Transformation cards

The form-fillable character sheet is also available here at 300dpi:

Assets for Dreamlast playtests


Dreamland is a card-based game where players use 300 Word Cards to tell stories and describe marvels of Dreamland. As of March 2023, you can use any of the following ways to play Dreamland:

Tabletop Simulator: – Tabletop Simulator costs a flat fee of $20 to buy on Steam; the Dreamland material is free. Go here to subscribe to Dreamland and you’ll be able to download the cards as well as receiving updates whenever I make edits.

playingcards dot io: Though not a full VTT, this free site works great for simulating Dreamland Word Cards. To use it, click on the file link above and download the “.pcio” file. Then create an account at and upload the file; the Dreamland card set will appear. The .pcio file was last updated July 12, 2024.

Dreamland cards are also set up for roll20, but since roll20 assets can’t be shared except as products in the roll20 store, we haven’t made these available yet (since Dreamland isn’t ready for commercial release yet, we don’t want to charge money for it). Occasionally Jason, Aaron or someone else who has uploaded Dreamland cards to roll20 will run a game on roll20.

Here’s a recording of our first Dreamland actual play video, recorded in April 2023 using OBS on Zoom and roll20:


If you want to play Dreamland in person, just download the free Exalted Funeral Dreamland QuickStart and get started! The QuickStart includes all the essential Word Cards (20 pages of 15 cards each) as well as the nice-but-not-necessary-to-play Role, Impairment and Transformation cards.

If you’d rather not cut the cards out yourself, a POD version of the 300 Word Cards is available at The Game Crafter. These are more expensive than the cards would be as an official release, and these are not the final designs, but they’re high-quality and suitable to playtest the game using the Quickstart Rules. If you can’t wait to play Dreamland in-person, please check them out! (And please look forward to an eventual professional release of the game!)

Dreamland playtests


If you’re interested in playtesting Dreamland with your own gaming group, or trying a game on Roll20, feel free to email us at (Jason’s first name) at mockman point com, ping us on twitter or Facebook, or of course ask on the Discord.